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Mia Kemetot

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Hello and Welcome my to biggest dream Just a little smile can dispel loneliness . Follow ea ? Status : Kat sini semua telah disable oleh Mia sendiri . Harap maaf !

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This skin is made by : Mrs AF
Some helped from :
Unnie Atiqah
Some coding from :
Fatin Hazwani
Using basecode :
Aishah Baharudin

All rights reserved ® Amillia Sabrina 2011 - 2012

Hopefully this cheers you up if you’re feeling a little down.

Thursday 29 November 2012 07:23

It’s not that easy, but a lot of stress can be controlled by changing your situation or how you react to it. ^^ I get stressed out because I worry too much, so I’m trying to stay positive and believe in good outcomes.
HuiHui awakss . Stress tak cuti nih ? Mia teramatlah stress gilegile dah . Mia dapat masuk kelas pertame dgn bestie Mia . Name dea Aimie Kamiliya . NyumNyum  )+_+( . Stress-2 pun Mia happy coz belum UPSR lagi . Tahun depan teruklah Mia kene belajar belaja belaja . . kalau boleh belajarlah sampai tak tido ==' . Bayangkanlah kalau belajar mane pon tak dapat 5A UPSR nnti . wahwah , Belum pape lagi dah cakap pasal UPSR . Almaklumlah , calon terkini UPSR lahh katekan .. Klah , PAPAI ..

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