Blogger Widgets

Mia Kemetot

The Disclaimer

Hello and Welcome my to biggest dream Just a little smile can dispel loneliness . Follow ea ? Status : Kat sini semua telah disable oleh Mia sendiri . Harap maaf !

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The Speaker Here

♦ URL blog wajib ade not email
♦ Harsh words & Anon not allowed


This skin is made by : Mrs AF
Some helped from :
Unnie Atiqah
Some coding from :
Fatin Hazwani
Using basecode :
Aishah Baharudin

All rights reserved ® Amillia Sabrina 2011 - 2012

My world , My words

Friday 30 November 2012 05:00

Cupcakes are just really cute, miniature cakes. I’m going to dinner tonight in celebration of my school’s victory at our science competition. Next month we’ll be on a plane to national’s. ;D

Itulah yang aku buat kalau aku boring . *_*  . *banggebangge*  Kejap makan sikit-2 , pastu makan tepi , makan tengah , sekali makan jelahh . ==' . Hmm . Ponat dehh , baru balek daripade swimming class  . Piuhh . Tak mandi lagi , Denn maleh . Anyway , boleh folow  blog nih takk ? Okkee  Thankssyou *senyumlebar* 

Papai .

Nota takde kaki : Kalau tak suka entry nihh , boleh main tempat laen ehh *


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