Blogger Widgets

Mia Kemetot

The Disclaimer

Hello and Welcome my to biggest dream Just a little smile can dispel loneliness . Follow ea ? Status : Kat sini semua telah disable oleh Mia sendiri . Harap maaf !

Study This sites !

The Speaker Here

♦ URL blog wajib ade not email
♦ Harsh words & Anon not allowed


This skin is made by : Mrs AF
Some helped from :
Unnie Atiqah
Some coding from :
Fatin Hazwani
Using basecode :
Aishah Baharudin

All rights reserved ® Amillia Sabrina 2011 - 2012

Thistle , I coming beibehhh !

Saturday 1 December 2012 03:20

 If this even cheers one person up, you know that’ll make me really happy. >u< Just making one person feel better always makes my day. Note: I really didn’t want to make this an animation because people read at different speeds… but I wrote too small to fit this into a standard post (sorry!) so please enjoy it as it is. ^^;

WikiWikii :) //Assalamualaikum ,,

Happy gila weihh . Aku dapat ikot Sara pegi PD ! Aku tak caye yang mak aku akan bagi aku pegi ;)
alah , tayah cite lah asalkan aku dapat pergi  ...

P/s: Malas nak tulis panjangpanjang :) *

Current Status: Yepeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Thankss <3


30 Nov

margin:0 0 1.5em; padding:20px; font-size: 95%; background:#ffffff; border: 1px solid #000000; -moz-border-radius: 35px; border-radius: 35px; }